We work with both large corporate organizations and SME’s developing the capability and confidence of leaders, in assessing your needs, we fully diagnose the current level of leadership, design and deliver programmes which centre on developing individual leaders who individuals would love to follow.
We do this through a number of methods, outdoor experiential learning, solution focus thinking, action learning sets, development of emotional intelligence, feedback and working with individual personality traits. Working with aha moment gives leaders the opportunity to develop a complete leadership tool kit allowing individuals to become confident and effective leaders in all circumstances.
Each programme is tailored to meet your needs of captured during the diagnosis phase, please note this is a sample agenda based on a specific client need.
All meet and introductions
Introduction to the programme and context setting, programme overview and approach, introduction and health and safety
Introduction to growth mindset, how we work together to establish a safe learning environment with challenge and support
High energy experiential exercise demonstrating how teams work together effectively and expectations of working together to achieve success
Participants asked to share leadership strengths and learning objectives
Exploring the key components of great leadership and the behaviours (EQ) needed to lead great teams. Consideration given to the difference between leadership as a function (title) or as a behaviour.
Experiential activities allowing participants to develop an awareness of how they demonstrate and further develop leadership expectations in action with observations and feedback from colleagues, highlights the 70/20/10 approach
Observation and Feedback from colleagues (reminder of GIFT model)
Experiential outdoor activities allowing participants to develop an awareness of how they demonstrate and further develop leadership expectations in action with observations and feedback from colleagues
Observation and Feedback from colleagues
Capturing the learning from the previous day and anticipating the challenge to come
Building on the previous day, teams will be given fun, challenging projects which require them to demonstrate leadership and work effectively as a team to achieve results. The project will demand that the team quickly sets direction, drives performance and inspires each other to achieve success. They will need to coordinate their effort to overcome a series of personal and team challenges
Focusing on individual contributions to team success
Participants work in small groups to offer support and challenge on identifying actions to take forward, story creation of who participants are as leaders